פרויקטים האיחוד האירופאי – Europe
- עמוד הבית
- פרויקטים האיחוד האירופאי – Europe
Europeהינה תכנית של האיחוד האירופי למחקר וחדשנות, אשר מספקת תמיכה לחוקרים מצטיינים ומובילים בארץ ובעולם להתמודדות עם אתגרים כלכליים, חברתיים, סביבתיים ואחרים בהיקף של 95.5 מיליארד יורו.
מטרת התכנית היא למצוא פתרונות ישימים וחדשניים ולספק מענה לסוגיות כלל עולמיות קיימות ולאתגרים שצפויים להתקיים בעתיד בנושאים הקשורים לאקלים, אנרגיה, תחבורה, בריאות, ביטחון, דיגיטציה ועוד.
מדינת ישראל צפויה להשקיע בתכנית זאת סכום של כ- 2.4 מיליארד יורו, במטרה לרתום אליה גופים ישראליים, ולעודד אותם להשתתף בה, להעמיק את הידע שלהם ולהעשיר את יכולותיהם, כדי להפוך את העולם למקום טוב יותר לחיות בו.
היחידה האזורית לאיכות סביבה אילת חבל אילות, בהובלה של מנהל היחידה – אסף אדמון, משקיעה מאמצים ומשאבים רבים בהגשת הצעות להשתתפותה בתכניות המימון למיזמים שיתקיימו בעיר אילת, וכבר היום קיימים שישה פרויקטים שאושרו לביצוע בהיקף השקעה חיצונית של כ – 3 מיליון יורו, בתחומים הבאים: עצמאות והתייעלות אנרגטית, הקמת מרכזי חוסן עירוניים שיוכלו לפעול באופן עצמאי במצבי חירום, תחבורה ירוקה, בריאות, עיר חכמה ועוד.
פרויקט BERLIN שם לו למטרה ליישם פיילוט חוצה גבולות לתמיכה בפיתוח יכולת טכנולוגית לניתוק מבני ציבור מרשת החשמל הארצית והפיכתם לעצמאיים אנרגטית (Nano grid) אשר מהוות את אחת מאבני הבניין להפיכת כלל אזור אילת וחבל איילת לעצמאי אנרגטית.
משמעות הפרויקט הנה יצירת חוסן שכונתי וקהילתי על ידי יצירת מרכז שכונתי אשר יוכל לפעול כמרכז חוסן גם בהיעדר חשמל ואנרגיה.
תאריך התחלה :2.9.19
משך הפרויקט: 36 חודשים
סוכנות מימון: ENI CBC MED
סכום מימון הפרויקט: 480,000€
קישור לאתר הפרויקט https://www.enicbcmed.eu/projects/berlin
ישראל על כל שותפיה מקבלת מענק של מעל 50% מכלל תקציב הפרויקט, כאשר אילת וחבל איילות מקבלות כמיליון יורו.
באילת הפיילוט יבוצע בבית ספר יעלים. בית הספר מכיל 350 ילדי בית ספר ו -14 כיתות בכיתות א'-ו '. בית הספר מחובר דרך שער למרכז הקהילתי של השכונה והראייה של הפרויקט הנה ראייה שכונתית ומבוצעת גם במתנ״ס.
בפרויקט מתוכנן להתקין מערכות סולאריות מתקדמות, מערכת אגירת אנרגיה ומערכת ניהול אנרגיה במטרה להפוך את בית הספר והמתנ"ס למרכז חוסן עירוני ראשון מסוגו בישראל שיוכל להתקיים בכוחות עצמו ללא הישענות על אספקת אנרגיה מחברת החשמל
מכרז כרגע בתהליך אישורים לפני פרסום לצורך התקנת הפאנלים הסולאריים, מערכת אגירת אנרגיה ומערכת ניהול אנרגיה
פרויקט 0 עוסק בביצוע פיילוטים לטיפולים חדשניים בשפכים מסוגים שונים.
באילת מבוצעים שני פיילוטים,:
- פיילוט במלח״י לטיפול במי פלט מבריכות הדגים תוך כוונה להגיע לאפס פליטות.
- פיילוט בבית החולים יוספטל בשיתוף עם הטכניון אשר מטרתו לבחון מערכת חדשנית לזיהוי מזהמים בשפכים.
תאריך התחלה :1.6.18
תאריך סיום :31.12.22
משך הפרויקט: 48 חודשים
סוכנות מימון: H2020
סכום מימון אילת: 434,750€
הפרויקט, אותו מנהלת העירייה, עוסק בהקמה של מעבדה ניידת לבדיקות מזהמים בשפכים. הטכנולוגיה שמפותחת על ידי הטכניון עושה זיהוי אוטונומי של שפכים וכאשר ישנה חריגה ברמות המזהמים מסיתה את הזרם לטיפול אלטרנטיבי שאינו ביולוגי לצורך פירוק המזהמים. בשלב ראשון המערכת מזהה סוגים שונים של אנטיביוטיקה ותעשה שימוש בטיפול פוטו-קטליטי לפירוק המזהמים.
התפיסה מאחורי הפרויקט הנה שישנם מזהמים רבים אשר אינם מתפרקים בטיפול ביולוגי קונבנציונאלי. באילת השפכים הללו עוברים טיפול ומועברים להשקייה של שטחי החקלאות שם המזהמים מצטברים וחוזרים לבני האדם אם דרך המזון או דרך כניסה למי התהום.
קישור לאתר הפרויקט https://www.eu-project-o.eu/
אנחנו בשלבי התקנת המעבדה על הקראוון שנרכש עבורה, צפי התחלת הבדיקות 02/2022-03/2022
פרויקט מיוז גרידס מציע קבוצה של פתרונות טכנולוגיים שיאפשרו ניתוק אזורים שלמים מרשת החשמל על מנת שיהיו עצמאיים אנרגטית.
תאריך התחלה :1.11.18
משך הפרויקט: 48 חודשים
סוכנות מימון: H2020
סכום מימון אילת:75.000€
באילת ירוכזו נתונים על צרכנים בקו החוף הצפוני: בתי מלון, מרכזי מסחר ואזורים קהילתיים על מנת לערוך סימולציה המדמה ניתוק איזור החוף מחשמל והפיכתו לעצמאי אנרגטית.
הפרויקט הזה הוא חלק קטן מהרעיון הכללי לנתק את אילת מרשת החשמל ולהפוך אותה לעצמאית אנרגטית
קישור לאתר הפרויקט https://www.muse-grids.eu/
לאחר ביצוע פגישות עם מנהלי תחזוקה במלונות וקבלת נתוני צריכת אנרגיה אנו בתהליך ניתוח הנתונים עם מנהלי הפרויקט מאירופה לצורך הזנה לתוכנה לביצוע הסימולציות.
מטרת הפרויקט היא למצוא פיתרון אנרגטי לכ- 21,000 מבני ציבור באירופה באמצעות טכנולוגיות טרם מסחור, כלומר טכנולוגיות שטרם הגיעו לשוק.
אתר הפרויקט באילת הינו הטרמינל הישן.
בטרמינל יותקנו מערכות לייצור אנרגיה, מערכת אגירה ומערכות ניהול אנרגיה מהחדישות בעולם, במטרה להפוך את מרכז החדשנות שעתיד להיבנות למרכז המנותק מרשת החשמל, שישמש כמרכז חוסן עירוני לאזור התיירות.
קישור לאתר הפרויקט https://procure-pcp.eu/tender/
תאריך התחלה: 12/2020
משך הפרויקט: 36 חודשים
סכום מימון לאילת: €1,500,000
סטטוס: מכרז סגור
במצבי חירום כמו רעידות אדמה, יש כאוס מוחלט בהתחלה שגורם לאובדן בחיי אדם וברכוש הנגרם באופן ישיר וגם כתוצר לוואי של הרעידה. העיר אילת נמצאת על קו השבר הסורי-אפריקאי, מיקום מאוד בעייתי מבחינת רעידות אדמה.
מטרת הפרויקט הינה לבחון את התפיסה של האזרחים בהקשר לרעידות אדמה ולבחון את רמת המוכנות שלהם בשיתוף של מתנדבים ממד"א ומהעירייה עצמה.
קישור לאתר הפרויקט https://www.riskpacc.eu/
תאריך התחלה: 09/2021
משך הפרויקט: 36 חודשים
סכום מימון לאילת : 110,000 €
מטרת הפרויקט היא לנתח את דפוס הנסיעות של התושבים תוך כדי הטמעה של קורקינטים חשמליים ברחבי העיר ולמידה על הצרכים של המשתמש במטרה ליצור קורקינט שעונה על הרבה מאוד כשלים שקיימים בשוק התחבורה הזעירה היום.
במהלך הפרויקט יפרסו במקומות אסטרטגיים בעיר עמדות טעינה שניתן יהיה להחליף בטרייה בקורקינט ולהמשיך בנסיעה עם בטרייה מלאה.
בעיר אילת יחולקו 100 קורקינטים מיוחדים ל 400 תושבים המעוניינים להשתתף בפרויקט לתקופה של כ- 4 חודשים
קישור לאתר של הפרויקט https://leonardoproject.eu/
לינק להצעה להיות חלק:[ אינו סופי, יש עוד שינויים לבצע בטופס ]
תאריך התחלה: 03/2021
משך הפרויקט: 36 חודשים
סכום מימון לאילת : 93,750 €
עוד פרטים בסרטון
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the fifth edition of the BERLIN Newsletter!
"BERLIN Cost-effective rehabilitation of public buildings into smart and resilient nano-grids using storage” is an ambitious project funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Programme that brings together seven organizations from four Mediterranean countries, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, and Italy.
In this newsletter, we present the latest developments of the project including the progress of pilot activities as well as highlights from meetings, trainings, and events where the project was presented.
If you would like to keep up with all the latest developments of our
project, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Kind Regards,
The BERLIN Consortium
BERLIN focuses on increasing photovoltaics (PV) grid penetration, combined with energy storage systems (ESS) and demand side management (DSM), along with enhancement of energy efficiency in buildings. BERLIN will implement six pilots in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Israel. The pilots will optimally integrate PV/ESS/DSM in an innovative way and transform each pilot into a self- sufficient nanogrid, as an energy rehabilitation solution in a range of climatic zones. Such a solution can contribute to alleviating the regional and global problem of high- energy consumption in buildings – 1/3 of energy consumption in Mediterranean Partner Countries, 40% in
EU- and of resulting CO2 emissions increase. Equally
important is the need to support weak grids that are particularly common in MENA region and rural areas, with low reliability and frequent outages.
To this end, BERLIN will provide knowledge on achieving high levels of building energy self-resilience using smart nanogrids and design the solution as a cost-effective renovation. In addition, MED countries, despite their excellent solar potential, face the problem of its low grid penetration. BERLIN through onsite PV/ESS/DSM, will contribute to achieving higher levels of PV entering the grid whilst ensuring grid stability and power quality. Through these interventions, MED countries will benefit greatly from project’s learning curves
BERLIN aims to implement cross-border pilot measures to support innovative and cost- effective energy rehabilitations in public buildings based on the nanogrid concept, the building block for smart microgrids.
The motivation is multi-fold: to address high energy consumption in building
sector that is primarily fossil- fuel based,
to support areas of weak grids, common in MENA region & rural areas, as high energy consumption in buildings can compromise electric service reliability,
to achieve higher grid penetration of RES whilst ensuring grid stability and power quality
Reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions at the level of pilot
Replication in other Mediterranean/EU regions and enhanced interest and
capacity of public authorities in building energy retrofits.
Encourage a widespread policy adoption for high photovoltaic grid penetration and high levels of self- sufficiency in buildings.
Boost SMEs competitiveness, R&D growth, investments in photovoltaic grid integration, interest from local
building professionals to train in new
innovations for high efficient buildings, and business and job opportunities in building retrofitting.
The main target groups and final beneficiaries are:
- Energy stakeholders (e.g. policy- makers, investors, distribution
system operators, regulatory
authorities, energy consultants, photovoltaic installers).
- Local/regional/national authorities & their employees and building
- The scientific community.
- Project consortium.
- General public.
6 case studies on the photovoltaic,
energy storage solutions and demand side management hybrid technology. Country-specific recommendations to stimulate the uptake of
photovoltaic, energy storage solutions and demand-side management.
2 tools developed for renovating
public buildings using photovoltaic, demand-side management and
energy storage systems.
6 pilot actions in buildings in 4 countries.
3 cost-effective technologies in
public buildings optimally integrated.
5 public institutions supported
towards the adoption of cost-effective policies to increase the use and local consumption of photovoltaic energy.
During the period May 2022 to December 2022, the project activities ran smoothly after a long period of obstacles due to the escalation of COVID-19 situation. Due to the dedication, collaboration and hard work of partners, the difficulties were surpassed, and the project is on track towards its final phase.
The pilots in the four countries are going very well. In Italy and Greece all the equipment is installed, and the data collection phase has begun. In Israel and Cyprus, the installation of the pilots is in progress and are expected to be fully operational in early 2023.
In addition to the pilot site installations, there is currently work in progress regarding the cost and benefit analysis, policy recommendations and trainings. At the same time partners are actively participating in networking events and scientific conferences in order to disseminate the results of the project effectively and maximise the project impact.
The main goal for the building pilot sites is to create a demonstrative installation (and living lab) of a nanogrid for existing buildings to show the feasibility of a greener, ecologically sustainable, and economically profitable future scenario. In particular, the nanogrid will reduce the building energy consumption, for minimising the electricity bill, and providing flexibility services if required. By evaluating the meteorological information, the energy consumption and the PV energy production, the Energy Management System (EMS) of the nanogrid will handle the controllable loads and the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in order to maximise self-consumption and minimise the CO2 building production.
The University of Cyprus announced the tender for the supply and installation of a turnkey solution, smart nanogrid at its premises in the PV Lab. Interested parties to submit an offer, were given the opportunity to visit the pilot site on several occasions. After the evaluation process, the successful tenderer was announced in August 2022 and desk works started as soon as the contract was signed i.e. September 2022, expected to be completed by early 2023.
So far, installation of the photovoltaics on the school’s pergolas are finalized. The installation has 126 kWp capacity and the bus station/parking capacity is 302 kWp. The installation of the BESS is in its final design according to the consumption data collected. The final plans and the order for the BESS were completed by the end of September.
The two pilots located in Greece are operational and measurements are collected to assess the energy performance of the buildings. In particular, a system of 12.5kWp PV and 11 kWh of battery capacity is operating in the student dormitories of the university and a system of 10 kWp PV and 13.8 kWh of battery capacity is operating in a municipality building. An electric vehicle charger is also operating at the dormitories. Except from the electrical measurements, also meteorological data are collected for the two pilots.
The installation of outdoor weather station and of smart multi-meters in the pilot building of the Campus has been completed in 2021, starting a measuring campaign of
the solar irradiation in the pilot site and of the building electricity consumption. The BESS and EMS has been purchased in 2021, tested in the UNICA Laboratory at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and finally installed in the buried MV/LV substation of the pilot building. The photovoltaic system on the rooftop of the pilot building and the DSM equipment within the building have been the last installed in summer 2022. The integrated pilot system has been tested for its correct operation and it will be shortly connected to the grid.
BERLIN project is all about cost-effective rehabilitation of public buildings into smart and resilient nano-grids using storage. How does this technology work?
In simple terms, a nanogrid is a small-scale, decentralized power grid which can operate autonomously, but can also remain connected to the central power grid. A nanogrid can be based on sustainable electricity sources like solar PVs, and can integrate them with energy storage technologies, like batteries, and energy management strategies to maximize efficiency and minimize power imports and exports to the central power grid. The BERLIN project combines three key technologies, namely: PVs, BESS and DSM.
The nanogrid is expected to have a huge impact on the development of novel integrated energy systems and set a new paradigm for the future energy infrastructure in the Mediterranean area. Specifically, the nanogrid serves two main purposes: (a) it will increase the self-sufficiency level of pilot buildings through onsite generation, storage, and consumption, with minimum dependence from the central power grid, and (b) it will allow the researchers of PV labs to operate the nanogrid system, conduct various tests on the system components, and take valuable experimental data.
BERLIN Smart Online Tool Training
On the 7th of June 2022, a webinar was organised on the Online Tool, addressed to professionals, stakeholders, and other experts from the energy sector, to show the functionalities of the tool. The team of experts from the University of Western Macedonia led the initiative of the tool development and the organization of the webinar with the support and contribution of all partners. There was a live presentation for each functionality and there was also an interactive session with questions from the attendees and answers from the research team.
The online tool aims to promote self-sufficiency in buildings with flexible loads, by properly sizing the photovoltaic and battery storage systems to be installed in a building, and by providing an efficient schedule for the flexible loads. It can be used by building owners or managers to enhance the energy self-sufficiency of buildings exploiting photovoltaics, energy storage, and demand-side management.
You may find the tool here: https://berlintool.eu/#Home
Consortium Meeting in Greece
Between the 19th and 21st of October, BERLIN consortium was reunited for a physical meeting this time, after COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. The meeting took place in Thessaloniki and Kozani in Greece.
Partners had the chance to have constructive discussions on the development of the pilot installations in the regions involved. In Cyprus and Israel, there are significant improvements concerning the installation of equipment, while in Greece and Italy, the installations are fully completed and operational, and data are being collected for analysis. In addition, partners had the chance to plan the next project activities including trainings and webinars, which are going to be announced in the upcoming months.
Lastly, the partners had the chance to visit the dormitories’ buildings at the campus of the University of Western Macedonia, which was selected to implement the pilot project activities. All the equipment, including the energy storage (batteries), the e-vehicle charging station and the monitoring system was presented to the partners
EU Sustainable Energy Week
The energy performance of the building stock remains extremely low at Mediterranean level. To address this, the European Neighborhood Instrument for Cross Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean Programme (ENI CBC MED) identified renewable energy and energy efficiency as major priorities and funded 8 projects. The session, which was part of the Policy Conference at this year’s edition of the EU Sustainable Energy Week, portrayed concrete examples of how to perform cost-effective energy renovations of public buildings. These examples were put in the context of global policies, as per the Status Report of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (Global ABC).
Among the projects participating from both shores of the Mediterranean was BERLIN project, presented as a good example of energy efficiency solution in public buildings. Gianni Celli, Associate Professor from University of Cagliari presented the solutions of the project and actively participated in the discussion regarding the policy recommendations.
The Policy Conference was fully successful in bringing together public authorities, private companies, projects, NGOs, and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure, and efficient energies and covered various topics such as REPowerEU, the digitalisation and integration of energy systems, energy efficiency, renewables, consumers and a fair energy transition, decarbonisation policies and international cooperation.
In parallel to the Policy Conference, the Energy Fair was an excellent opportunity for both BERLIN and other projects to be exhibited and interact with the wider public on their work and find new ways of collaboration and replication.
The Synergy MED – 2nd International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, between 17-19 October 2022. The Conference continues the idea of establishing a major energy platform in the region, focusing on topics of interest to the Energy Challenges in the Mediterranean area and addressing the vast technological changes in all areas of the electric energy business, products, equipment, methods, and so on.
The BERLIN project was presented at the Conference by Dr Alexandros Arsalis, Special Scientist at the FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus. The presentation described how the BERLIN project can set the foundations for future advanced energy systems that can help achieve decarbonization targets by exploring energy storage technologies that can include storage beyond batteries. This could include the additional integration of a PV battery microgrid system with a regenerative hydrogen fuel cell subsystem. Such a subsystem includes electrolyzer, fuel cell, and hydrogen storage units; it can provide long term energy storage, with a reduction of the capacity of the battery units in the overall system. Such a configuration may also provide green hydrogen for the fuelling of hydrogen electric vehicles. In this study a preliminary investigation of integrating a green hydrogen subsystem to a predefined PV-battery nanogrid is conducted.
COP 27
COP27 took place in Sharm el-Sheikh between 6th-18th of November 2022. BERLIN’s partner representing Eilat Municipality had the chance to participate in one of the discussions during the COP27, namely “Leveraging local adaptation – should mayors run the world?”. Local government’s policies aim to make the region of Eilat-Eilot energy independent and free from carbon emissions by 2025. In this context, BERLIN was presented during the discussion as a case of best practice, which enhances Eilat municipality’s efforts to become a carbon free community.
FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus (UCY) is a research powerhouse in the field of sustainable energy solutions and in particular Photovoltaics. Committed to undertaking high quality research in order to tackle the climate and energy security challenges of today and the future, FOSS has currently over 40 active research projects, mainly funded by European grants, achieving imposing results. Through its research projects, FOSS has substantial experience in pilots where Photovoltaics are integrated with Energy Storage, and this knowledge will be transferred in the BERLIN project.
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering of University of Western Macedonia (UoWM) has been involved in several European, regional and national projects with various tasks such as the integration of renewable energy resources, intelligent control of electric power generation and consumption, photovoltaics and storage hybridization and relevant pilot activities, smart grids and cyber security.
The Municipality of Eilat city is a leader in energy efficiency, as 75% of the city's daytime electricity is supplied by renewable energy (RE), and by 2020, the city will become energy independent. As in Eilat region there is more than 1850 sun hours per year, there is an advantage of using PV. The current state and the planned solutions are based on solar PV systems and energy efficiency, mostly in the cooling systems. Eilat is also a member of several H2020 projects in which a planning for a positive energy district is being developed.
Elad Topel, elad@eilat.muni.il Assaf Admon, assaf@eilat.muni.il
UNICA participates in the BERLIN project through the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DIEE) that has a long history of participation to EU projects and calls and each year a significant portion of its budget is based on EU projects. The department cooperates with research labs (both industrial and public) and with other academic institutions worldwide.
Susanna Mocci, susanna.mocci@unica.it
BGU is one of Israel’s leading research universities and among the world leaders in many fields. BGU participates in the BERLIN project through the Department of Structural Engineering adding much needed structural/architecture expertise to consortium. Modern structural engineers face a variety of technological developments and challenges.
Erez Gal, erezgal@bgu.ac.il
Deloitte participates in BERLIN through the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (Deloitte IEC). Deloitte has an important role in the project as it has vast experience in managing successful European and local funded projects. The team of Deloitte IEC uses multiple research methods and tools for European Union-funded and ad hoc research for internal or external purposes in a number of areas covering Cyprus and the rest of Europe. Specifically, Deloitte IEC involvement in EU-funded projects is mainly on socio-economic impact studies, cost-benefit analyses, project and financial management, quality management and communication and dissemination.
Eliza Loucaidou, eloucaidou@deloitte.com
Hevel Eilot Regional Council contribution will be on the off-grid applications, policy making at regional level and multi-level governance. Hevel Eilot is at the forefront of RE in Israel. The Eilot region established the Company for Renewable Energy (NGO) that works on the regulation and assimilation of innovation in the region. The regional council was the first one in Israel to build a PV solar farm and its developing new project as well as supporting start-ups.
Elad Topel, elad@eilat.muni.il Assaf Admon, assaf@eilat.muni.il